This might make a vacuum...

dude, not trying to pull you down from your soapbox or anything, but... do you think this stuff through before you type it?
vac·u·um Audio Help (vāk'yōō-əm, -yōōm, -yəm) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. vac·u·ums or vac·u·a (-yōō-ə)
Absence of matter.
A space empty of matter.
A space relatively empty of matter.
A space in which the pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure.
A state of emptiness; a void. A state of being sealed off from external or environmental influences; isolation.
pl. vac·uums A vacuum cleaner.
What doesn't make sense to you, Sammitch? That I'm saying only in a world without variations
would G-man's logic would make sense? That only
[in] a world that had unassailable constants would I be the failure G-man thinks I am? Cause another application for the word vacuum.
(fragment) A space of emptiness that never changes.