Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
This might make sense...in a vacuum...

dude, not trying to pull you down from your soapbox or anything, but... do you think this stuff through before you type it?

vac·u·um Audio Help (vāk'yōō-əm, -yōōm, -yəm) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. vac·u·ums or vac·u·a (-yōō-ə)

Absence of matter.
A space empty of matter.
A space relatively empty of matter.
A space in which the pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure.
A state of emptiness; a void.
A state of being sealed off from external or environmental influences; isolation.
pl. vac·uums A vacuum cleaner.

What doesn't make sense to you, Sammitch? That I'm saying only in a world without variations would G-man's logic would make sense? That only [in] a world that had unassailable constants would I be the failure G-man thinks I am? Cause another application for the word vacuum. (fragment) A space of emptiness that never changes.

I'm just impressed you dusted off the [online] dictionary when pulling your 'a-game' together, man. I mean seriously, that was probably the most verbose 'yeah, right - and then you woke up!' I've heard in a long time. I was so impressed I went over it and polished it up a little for you! way to be!

So essentially you said something stupid and now you're backpeddling? [backpedaling]

Some things never change.

like your spelling and grammar?

what exactly did I say that was so shockingly wrong? that your posts are poorly thought out? because you've got way too many other posters to straighten out on that one to waste your time on lil ol' me.


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