I thought they were
chicanery. or was it
sophistry you called it prior to your previous meltdown? or have you just been too busy to hunt down another big-sounding word? watching you trying to be articulate is like watching snarf hit on harley.

It can be all three. Your argument is weak and you need as many logical fallacies as possible.
good job with the fragment there at the end. I capitalize some words because I find it necessary. I capitalize I because I readily admit to being a narcissistic bastard. I capitalize God because - well, that doesn't even need explained I don't think. I capitalize President because regardless of what impressionable little minds like yours think of the man, his office alone makes him worthy of at least that much respect. I capitalize what I feel like capitalizing. which is kind of the point - I have the ability and better judgment to be aware of my own spelling, grammar and usage and tailor it as I see fit. you don't even come into one of my threads without your trusty [online] dictionary.
So what's your criteria for when it's necessary to capitalize? Cause sometimes you do at the beginning of a sentence and sometimes you don't? Get your shit straight.
you try to keep your posts as simple as possible? your torrid confessions to joe, your furious comic-forum 'rebuttals' of grimm and doc, your point-by-point replies to every little claim I make. all of that? forbid we should let you challenge us on 'the' intellectual level.

Confessions? Every little point you make? You can't be serious. Or you're are digging up the past because right now you have nothing? Taking a page out of Joe's book? I learned my lessons from last time. Now I keep it simple. Not that it matters, you assholes still get confused.
Ummmm, what's a vacuum George?
Anyway, I'm late, have concocting more horse shit. See you assholes Monday.