Hey Kids,

Okay. For those of you planning on joining the Insurgency, you need to know that we have a few rules.

* No HATE posts of any kind. You can not discriminate against any group
of people for any reason whatsoever.

* No hardcore pornography. Heterosexual (as we like) or Homosexual (as you
all seem to prefer), is simply not allowed. Boobs, butts and "tasteful"
female frontal nudity is permitted. We're not gynecologists and don't
need a guided tour of all of your skanks inner workings.

* No spamming. Whether you choose to believe it or not, our board was
repeatedly attacked by multiple SpamBots posting some very interesting
pictures of men with women, men with men and men with farm animals. To
further clarify, "spam" is considered anything any shmuck posts
repeatedly in multiple threads that has no real value.

* Family members are absolutely off limits. The only person ever banned at
the Insurgency was Starheart1976. He was given repeated warnings, and
pushed the envelope multiple times, until he finally stepped over the
line and made a highly inappropriate comment about a member's family.

Other than those items, feel free to come and play.


Rex 5/24/08 "You know how you say Zzap! at the end of every post? Thats hella cool. I'm gonna start doing it."

Wonder Boy the racist pedophile - 5/24/08 - "I wish someone would embed that cute little African AMERICAN mouthing your COCK."

Rex's sexual confusion - May 25, 2008 - "I am a woman. and no, I will not show you any pictures."

First Among Daves homo obsession with my hands - May 25, 2008 - "I'm guessing the rest of the fingernails on your soft and supple hands are long. Big palms, soft skin with no callouses. Perhaps you moisturise so the flesh on your hands stays a little wet."