If the link Pariah posted was too long and boring to read in one sitting, its summary is this:

There was once this board where people had so many rules, one of them was "don't post kurt angle pictures". Blah Blah Blah, the Natures made enough trouble that the board was shut down and at least one of the admins broke down in real life and had to get psychiatric help.

A lot of the people from that broken board made their way here, where they are free to post Kurt angle pictures without being judged and reprimanded. As for Rob being strict in the DCMBs, yes he was. Because he is gay, and because he was an employee and his employers told him to be strict. Since he felt bad about being strict (he didn't feel bad about being gay. he really likes the cock), he set this board up and invited the troublemakers from the DCMB.