Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sandy Vangina
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Dr Fate

My strength is not the issue. Dave has chosen to follow Joe Mama and the others. I sense he does so not out of genuine dislike for us but because he seeks to side with the aggressor. Perhaps now the quote will be more clear to you.

wait. you come to our message boards and we are the aggressor?


You don't know how to capitalize. I is smarter then you. I know how to spell Vangina.

and you gotta admit fucking up spelling vagina when you made a point of not doing so kinda screwed the pooch... you are lucky i didnt see that last night cause even then ina drug induced alcholic majuina haze I would have owned you for it...
don't make it easy for me beat on you.. anything i can do.. these idiots think they can do.. only i'm 110% better at it than them.