(ps. Pariah did you fuck that 655 chick yet?)
Don't hurt your knees bending over for Pariah, m'kay?
We gotta get Sikk to find a few good circle jerk pics.
google images too much effort for you?
and I thought I was lazy...
The great debater has spoken! No more google pics.
I'm just saying, it's a bit disappointing to see you toss off (heh) yet another tired homosexual reference regarding one poster following after another one and then say 'geez, I hope someone does all the work for me!'
You don't have to be homo to a suck up. Have you spent your entire life on this board?
'...don't have to be homo to a suck up...'

I really don't think it's nitpicking, in this instance, to tell you it would have helped to give that sentence another look before clicking 'submit'. though I guess submitting is kind of a reflex for you by this point. to answer your question, we have these cool little text fields that tell you the date each of us registered on rob's damn boards. if you look carefully at them, you can deduce through careful arithmetic exactly how long each of us has been a member of rob's damn boards. thank you and have a wonderful afternoon.