Why did I do it? Because whomod is a fucking retard. He's a fucking joke, just like the rest of you. Look at all the copying and pasting and youtube posting he's done. All he is is a mouth piece for the far left agenda. He's just like the rest of you window licking short bus riders. The insurgency members are nothing more than a bunch of emotionally cripples touchy feely pussies. We use logic and fact against you and you cry. You are not now and will never be able to affect us. You're too weak. You are unable to express yourself with words so you post pictures and youtube clips. Look at your own boards. Its like one giant add for ADD. You lefties say that you are intellectually superior? Fucking please. I see more intelligence out of my seven year old retarded nephew.
You call this a raid? We usually have boards shut down by the second day. All you've managed to do is get more people to post here and earn more money for Rob. We've seen everything you have brought so far and we've seen everything you will bring. Nothing you weak minded tards do will bring down these boards. You are too weak.
My suggestion is to go crying back to the insurgency boards or assimilate. You know you want to. You've tasted freedom and you want it. A good part of the posters here are from boards we've raided and boards that have raided us.
I was able to break all of you by making one joke alt id. I won this shit before it even started. We win more and more with every one of your posts. The longer you stay the more you lose.
So stay or go, but if you want to compete with us you need to bring things up about twenty to thirty notches.
All very interesting. But I counter that your board is now the one in lockdown. You guys act all tough, but the truth is you're no better than a seven-year-old either. Basically, you took your ball and went home.
And please tell me you had better material that claiming that you were a little girl. We had one member who picked on another member's family member. That member got outsted. That's conviction. You guys "claim" to be better, but the constant gay bashing is mob mentality at best. Maybe Zzap was right, maybe you guys are easier to pick off one on one.