Originally Posted By: Dr. Quinzel
Trying to actually get through some of your thick skulls and trying to chase you off are typically two different things. Learn to read between the lines.

Rellik actually said that the insurgents wouldn't leave this forum until we did. Don't make go look for the actual quote... I'm lazy! I assume he spoke for Captain Zzap, since they're the same person.

I'm glad to see you think your being a closet republican is funny. Laughter is the best medicine after all.

Pariah is a card carrying republican. Me, I've been called a communist by other members (it was a proud day).

I don't know about the rest, but I'm actually here defending her (Whomod's daughter's) honor. You must not have kids.

That's admirable (really). Too bad you're only encouraging us to continue doing that sort of thing by entertaining us so much.