Originally Posted By: Dr. Quinzel
However, doesn't mocking someone who has no ability to defend themselves make you feel kinda cheap? $2 hooker cheap? Even in the slightest?

No. Because there's nothing to defend against. Whatever I say here is irrelevant to the lives of others. Simply because Whomod may stress about it moreso than us, that doesn't mean hostile and retaliatory reactions are warranted on a board that consists of, primarily, anonymous individuals. I got the idea that-that's why he vacated. He couldn't handle the feel of this place so he left; other people stayed.

Doesn't it bother you when people are too sensitive? Wouldn't it be more convenient if we lived in a society that encouraged people to have thicker skin?

Believe me, you don't want to see my breasts. Stareena's should be plenty for you.

Stareena isn't as interesting as you are.