That was the plan that was suggested. I just figure you'd jump at it as the excuse to look at some man on man love. Don't be so defensive.
It just amuses me how you can't even read right.
Classic words to excuse one's retreat.
Hard facts, you guys thought that something would come from "raiding" a board without bothering to research who you were "raiding." You weren't prepared for the troucing that you've been getting, and now you're whining that we gained access to your secret hiding place (you pussies). Poor babies, accept your loss.
What makes you think we didn't do research? We knew you guys were morons we could easily out think.
You retreated. Spin it however you like.
Oh, and by the way, your meltdown has been great fun to watch. Semper Fi, puppy!
We had one little section of our board we didn't want you bitches going on. It was no less secretive then talking through PM (like you did with Sikk about me, pussy). You say we retreated yet, I'm still here and the others will be back and won't you feel stupid. Nah, you won't, you don't have the balls to recognize you were wrong.