I saw this movie today and also left with a lot of questions. why did she kill the kid? didnt they live in an island? why was the well in some mountains instead of the island? They say the girl wanted to send a message! what is the message?? that she was killed by her mother? why was the father so freaked out when she mentioned the tape? what's the point of killing people in 7 days? The horses!!!??? the girl dont even know what a VCR is how did she know it was being watched? and so on so on. Is ok to leave things unaswered but this movie leaves way too much and leaves the audience really unsatisfied. Yes there was predictable stuff also. The instant i saw the kid I said "let me guess, he has some kind of psyquic ability to see whats going on or something" and I was right! I liked the begining and I wanted to see more victims of the tape! The idea was good but wasnt very well worked out, Didnt make sense! I give this movie a: