In a scathing new book, a Washington insider calls President George W. Bush to task for selling the war in Iraq with a "political propaganda campaign."

saying Bush was not "open and forthright on Iraq" and that he has bungled his role as a wartime leader.

"I still like and admire President Bush but he and his advisers confused the propaganda campaign with the high level of candour and honesty so fundamentally needed to build and then sustain public support during a time of war," McLellan writes.

Mclellan is not the first insider to spill the beans about incompetence and deception–he is preceded by former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill. John DiIulio, and Richard Clarke, among others, Mclellan also notes that Rove and Libby "at best" misled him in their role about the administration's retaliation against Valerie and Joe Wilson, and concedes that some of his own statements to the press were "badly misguided."

All things vigorously defended by the the right wing tools on the RKMB's.

prop·a·gan·da (prp-gnd-de) Lies right wingers on the RKMB's swallow unquestioningly as fact.

What right wingers use to attack anyone who disagrees with said propaganda as being "AntiAmerican, anti-troop, treasonous" etc..

Manure shoveled by George W. Bush causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi's and thousands of American troops.