Originally Posted By: the G-man
McClellan Is "Intrigued by" Obama; Olbermann Is "Impressed" by What Happened

There's a YouTube clip of them at the above link. I'm sure whomod is wanking to it even as we speak.

And i'm sure you're trying to come up with new attacks on McLellan's credibility, motives, honesty in order to keep the self deception alive for another year.
You're an intelligent guy G-man. Deep down, you know McLellan is right as was Paul O'Neil, all the retired generals, Richard Clarke etc. etc.

It's all falling apart and despite everyone being equally and coincidentally "puzzled" by Mclellan, it just sounded like message control that is by now fairly obvious to anyone not even paying attention.

Here's some of the interview in all it's glory:

Hanging McLellan's credibility out to dry when they sent him out to lie about Rove and Libby's involvement in the Plame scandal mirrors what Colin Powell said about Cheney's comments to him before they sent him out to lie to the UN and to the American public. That he could afford to lose a few approval points. This time it cost them.

It's just amazing that you guys still cling to the lies that I don't even see most Republican pundits repeat anymore. In fact, I don't hear much of the "traitor" "unAmerican" talk anymore from a lot of the right wing mouthpieces either. Now disagreements are seen as honest ideological and political debate and disagreement. Everyone sees the handwriting on the wall. It's over. Now all that is left is some thorough investigation, subpoenas, testimony under oath and possibly criminal indictments.

I predict that will happen only after Bush and his politicized Justice dept that refuses to enforce Congressional supoenas, is gone.

After that, war crimes trials would certainly be in order. The real question though is that in the past, you guys went livid when I mentioned that. And i'm wondering, if that is so unlikely, if this administration is so in the right, why would that elicit anything BUT ridicule and dismissiveness. What I recall is rage and veiled threat. As if.. as if... you think there would be some merit to the accusations but you guys simply just don't care.

Authoritarian Government and invasions and occupations, the shredding of the Constitution, the eroding of our system of checks and balances, the merger of state and corporate power (um Italian fascism) etc. etc. is ok just so long as the Republicans do it.

Olbermann: “Were the critics in the media largely right”
McClellan: “In terms of Iraq, there was a lot that they were right about”

Yup but instead these people ended up being called names like “unpatriotic” or “freedom haters”, when all along they should have been called “the voice of reason”.