Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
for the record it's funny how for the moveon.org types McClellan was a lying bastard, but now that he is towing their line he is credible....guess it shows you how willing they are to change horses in the middle of the race...

Actually if I recall, it was funny to "the moveOn types" when McLellan would be sent out with obvious talking points that he would repeat no matter what the question was. He sounded like a fucking broken record and it was obvious he was reciting prepared talking points and not actually responding candidly or honestly.

It was also funny that he was grilled for days on end by the press corps for having assured and promised them that Libby and Rove had nothing to do with the Plame leak (after having asked the nest of liars he trusted). I guess to me now, it's hysterical that the administration betrayed him like that. Blowbacks a bitch.