Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I guess the concept of loyalty is completely foreign to you. Admit it. You came back to talk about Green Lantern.

See Mxy, Halo hates loyalty to anything...anyone...any opinion...that is not in some relation connected to himself. For example, he hates me for my loyalty to others. He hates when I am loyal to Joe Mama, Grimm, Nowhereman, BSAMS, and, pretty much the all the other posters I've hung out with for nine years (I mean fuck! Why would I be loyal to friends I've chosen to enjoy for almost a decade? I am obviously a 'sycophant'). He also hates that I won't give up the name of my contact. I think it pisses him off that not only have we broke him...not only has life broken him...but that a member of his own nerd posse is basically standing behind him, laughing, while giving him the finger. And it's killing him that I am the one that brought that to light with such little effort. But, hey, what are you going to do? All children grow up sooner or later. Here's hoping we savor the coming years, watching Halo mature before us...

That's his story and he's sticking to it!

Despite the fact it there's a diffrence between being loyal and being a sycophant. But that's a diffrence Pro' doesn't want to acknowledge.