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I've been reading up on the global poverty act that Obama supports, it in effect would give the UN 845 billion dollars per year, the math equals about $8500 per person.

thanks Obama, I guess my kids can forget about college!

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You're just bitter and clinging to your guns and religion.

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i'll have no money for the offering and i'll have to hock my Daisy CO2!

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Actually, no. But months after claiming he could no more disown Rev. Wright and his crazy church than he could his grandma, he did-in fact-quit the church today.

I am sure that this was a deeply thought out decision made with true conviction, and not a cynical political move resulting from the controversies caused by his refusal to quit these idiots twenty years ago.

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More Obama-supporter whining, that listing demographics for what they truly are is "racism", to suppress the true facts

  • Now, undoubtedly, Clinton was trying to belittle, to diminish the importance of the South Carolina vote for Obama. But why is it racist to say what Clinton was implying: That, in a Southern state where a huge share of the Democratic vote is African-American, a strong black presidential candidate can be expected to do well?

    Political history proves this. What is racist about saying it?

    Aware of the truism, every political analyst was looking closely at the racial breakdown of the South Carolina vote.

    Last week came Hillary's turn. After her victory in Indiana and loss in North Carolina, which pundits said rang down the curtain on her presidential bid, she advanced an argument candidates have used since primary elections began. "I can win -- and my opponent can't."

    The argument was made against Goldwater, Nixon, Reagan.

    In an interview with USA TODAY, Hillary argued that the coalition she has put together would be stronger against John McCain than the coalition Barack has cobbled together.

    She began by relating an AP article "that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."

    "There's a pattern emerging here," said Hillary. "I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on."

    [Washington Post: ] "Clinton implies but doesn't quite come out and say ... that Obama is black -- and that white people who are not wealthy are irredeemably racist."

    But Hillary was saying no such thing. Describing her coalition, she was implying that Obama's coalition -- a George McGovern-Jesse Jackson combine embracing 90 percent of African-Americans, plus liberals, students and cause people -- has less chance of beating McCain than does she and her more Middle American coalition.

    Democrats, not liberal Democrats, are the swing votes who decide presidential races. Here Hillary beats Obama three to two or two to one, North and South.

    Has she no right to make this argument? Can Brother Robinson explain exactly how Hillary can describe her Ohio-Pennsylvania coalition without using the dread word "white"?

    Some of the reaction to the Clintons, whose once-universal support among African-Americans has crashed, is due to the immense stake black Americans have come to invest in the Obama candidacy. But some of this is something else, something more sinister.

    Bill and Hillary Clinton are not playing a race card. Rather, the liberal media and some black journalists with sentimental, emotional or ideological investments in Obama are playing the intimidation card.

    They are setting limits around what may and may not be said about Obama. They are seeking to censor robust adversarial speech where Barack is concerned, by branding as racists "playing the race card" any who make Barack run the same paces as anyone else.

    The Clintons are today victims of a double standard that has long been employed against conservatives.

    Even African-Americans critical of Obama are feeling the lash. In Saturday's Washington Post article, "Black Community Is Increasingly Protective of Obama," reporter Darryl Fears writes, "Standing in the path of Obama's campaign has been dangerous" for prominent blacks.

    Bill and Hillary have lost luster and sustained damage to their reputations because, in the Democrats' universe, such smears stick. The question for Republicans is whether they will let themselves be intimidated, as they too often are, from using legitimate political weapons to defend what they still have.

    It is thus a sign of trouble ahead that John McCain declared the Rev. Wright off limits and berated the North Carolina GOP for bringing him up. Let your adversaries circumscribe the content of your campaign, and you usually end up losing your campaign.

Would that the Democrats could play by the rules and not try to stack the deck, in labelling others as racists to hide their own racism.

And would that McCain would not tie one hand behind his back, and not call Democrats on their own hypocrisy.

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Barack Obama said Saturday he has resigned his 20-year membership in the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago "with some sadness" in the aftermath of inflammatory remarks by his longtime pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and more recent fiery remarks at the church by a visiting priest.

"This is not a decision I come to lightly ... and it is one I make with some sadness," Obama said at a news conference after campaign officials released a letter of resignation he sent to the church on Friday.

"I'm not denouncing the church and I'm not interested in people who want me to denounce the church," he said, adding that the new pastor at Trinity and "the church have been suffering from the attention my campaign has focused on them."

Obama said he and his wife have been discussing the issue since Wright's appearance at the National Press Club in Washington last month, which reignited the furor over remarks Wright had made in various sermons at the church.

"I suspect we'll find another church home for our family," Obama said.

"It's clear that now that I'm a candidate for president, every time something is said in the church by anyone associated with Trinity, including guest pastors, the remarks will imputed to me even if they totally conflict with my long-held views, statements and principles," he said.

"I have no idea how it will impact my presidential campaign but I know it was the right thing to do for me and my family," he said.

"This was a pretty personal decision and I was not trying to make political theater out of it," he added.

For months, Obama has been hamstrung by the rhetoric of Wright, whose sermons blaming U.S. policies for the Sept. 11 attacks and calls of "God damn America" for its racism became fixtures on the Internet and cable news networks.

Initially, Obama said he disagreed with Wright but portrayed him as a family member he couldn't disown. The preacher had officiated at Obama's wedding, baptized his two daughters and been his spiritual mentor for some 20 years.

But six weeks after Obama's well-received speech on race, Wright claimed at the Press Club appearance that the U.S. government was capable of planting AIDS in the black community, praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and suggested that Obama was acting like a politician by putting his pastor at arm's length while privately agreeing with him.

The next day, Obama denounced Wright's comments as "divisive and destructive."

Remarks by Wright inflamed racial tensions and posed an unwanted problem for Obama, front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, as he sought to wrap up the party's nod.

More recently, racially charged remarks from the same pulpit by another pastor, the Rev. Michael Pfleger, kept the controversy alive and proved the latest thorn in Obama's side. As a guest speaker at Obama's church, Pfleger mocked Obama rival Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Although Obama condemned comments by both Wright and Pfleger, the controversy persisted.

Obama made clear he wasn't happy with Pfleger's comments — in which the Catholic priest pretended he was Clinton crying over "a black man stealing my show" — and said he was "deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause."

Pfleger issued an apology, saying he was sorry if his comments offended Clinton or anyone else.

The timing of Obama's decision broke late Saturday, while most of the political attention was focused on the Democratic National Committee's struggle to seat delegates from Florida and Michigan.

"This was one I didn't see coming," Obama said Saturday when he asked if he had anticipated the firestorm that would erupt over his relationship with Wright.

he's not denouncing the church....unless it becomes politically convenient, ala Rev Wright...

for all his talk about not being another politician, i guess his true colors show more and more every day...

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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
i guess his true colors show more and more every day...

Speaking of which, did you know he was black?

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 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
In all honesty, I don't really see the big deal in the statement itself. I mean, Obama's great uncle was in the military and involved with bringing down a camp built to work Jews to death. Where I see this being a problem is when you add it to the other little mistakes or 'metaphors' that Obama has used during his campaign, it just makes it seem more and more like he's being your average politician and saying what he thinks will get him elected, truthful or not. This is hardly as bad as Hillary and the Bosnian sniper.

This is a true post. On all points.

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love

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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
I've been reading up on the global poverty act that Obama supports, it in effect would give the UN 845 billion dollars per year, the math equals about $8500 per person.

thanks Obama, I guess my kids can forget about college!

$8500 per WHAT person? That's 100 million people. There are more than 100 million people living in poverty around the world. So what people are you refering to specifically? Are you angry because it's money that wouldn't be spent here in the U.S.?

And as a Republican, why would you need the governnment to help you put your kids thru college? Don't you guys favor small government and self determination and all that...?

Turning to the governnment for subsidized loans or grants would be like you were on welfare or something...which would make you either black or a democract.

Or even worse...BOTH.

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Actually, no. But months after claiming he could no more disown Rev. Wright and his crazy church than he could his grandma, he did-in fact-quit the church today.

I am sure that this was a deeply thought out decision made with true conviction, and not a cynical political move resulting from the controversies caused by his refusal to quit these idiots twenty years ago.

Gaurantee there will be some uproar in the black community about him "selling out" his church. Not enough to have a measurable effect on his support but, there will be some harsh words for him in the barber shops, beauty parlors and neighborhood taverns across the country...

Especially since much of what Pfleger said is thought to be true in the black community.

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love

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 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
I've been reading up on the global poverty act that Obama supports, it in effect would give the UN 845 billion dollars per year, the math equals about $8500 per person.

thanks Obama, I guess my kids can forget about college!

$8500 per WHAT person? That's 100 million people. There are more than 100 million people living in poverty around the world. So what people are you refering to specifically? Are you angry because it's money that wouldn't be spent here in the U.S.?

And as a Republican, why would you need the governnment to help you put your kids thru college? Don't you guys favor small government and self determination and all that...?

Turning to the governnment for subsidized loans or grants would be like you were on welfare or something...which would make you either black or a democract.

Or even worse...BOTH.

You used to have good reading comprehension skills what happened?

The cost of the program would average $8500 more in taxes per US taxpayer. If I have to spend $8500 xtra a year in taxes it's gunna eat up my family, I dont have $8500 xtra a year.

I can also see that youre brain is being whomoded, as you refer to me as a republican. This i suppose is based on my opposition to anything Obama utters, cross Obama and youre a Republican.

I keep forgetting in your eyes only black people are poor, talk about racism....

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 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Actually, no. But months after claiming he could no more disown Rev. Wright and his crazy church than he could his grandma, he did-in fact-quit the church today.

I am sure that this was a deeply thought out decision made with true conviction, and not a cynical political move resulting from the controversies caused by his refusal to quit these idiots twenty years ago.

Gaurantee there will be some uproar in the black community about him "selling out" his church. Not enough to have a measurable effect on his support but, there will be some harsh words for him in the barber shops, beauty parlors and neighborhood taverns across the country...

Especially since much of what Pfleger said is thought to be true in the black community.

I don't think they'll be much uproar, as Wright said Obama has to disagree publicly but in private he agrees with all the racist statements.

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Obama’s resignation from the church over, in part, “a cultural and a stylistic gap” raises additional doubts about him.

The obvious question is what “cultural and stylistic gap” exists now that hasn’t existed during the last two decades, when Obama was a member of Trinity United and an intimate friend with Rev. Wright?

The answer, obviously, is none. Trinity and Wright are what they have always been. It's Obama’s political interests that have changed.

Will the media whomods give it to him and continue the fawning? Or will they finally resent being made to look like saps over their "Obama is a different kind of politician and his speech about Wright was the greatest thing since Gettysburg" and confront the fraud they've promoted so assiduously?

Gee, that's a tough one...

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I was thinking about "the speech" today. They could have a new campaign slogan:

"Barack Hussein Obama: A man who stands for change....every time the polling numbers drop!"

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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
I was thinking about "the speech" today. They could have a new campaign slogan:

"Barack Hussein Obama: A man who stands for change....every time the polling numbers drop!"

It's funny cuz

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
In all honesty, I don't really see the big deal in the statement itself. I mean, Obama's great uncle was in the military and involved with bringing down a camp built to work Jews to death. Where I see this being a problem is when you add it to the other little mistakes or 'metaphors' that Obama has used during his campaign, it just makes it seem more and more like he's being your average politician and saying what he thinks will get him elected, truthful or not. This is hardly as bad as Hillary and the Bosnian sniper.

I don't disagree. However, as noted earlier, whenever McCain makes a gaffe, even a more minor one, whomod claims that such gaffes are evidence that a candidate is either a devious liar or senile (depending on which blog he cut and pasted it from). Accordingly, I think its fair to point out Obama's consistent pattern of making similar, or even more egregious, misstatements.

Yeah, I know. That's why I was giving whomod shit with the whole Iwo Jima thing. But, you know, there can still be room for actual conversation without Youtube clips and made-up AP stories.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Rev. Michael Phleger, stereotyping Hillary and "white entitlement"...

How could Obama possibly sit in this church for 20 years listening to this excrement?

I'm not Hillary's biggest fan, but she didn't feel "entitled", she paid her dues for more than 30 years, for the opportunity to step up to the presidential plate.

Wheras Obama, and thousands of Obama's fellow parishioners and like-minded fanatics elsewhere, think a minimally qualified Obama should be handed the nomination, because he's black.

"Entitlement", anyone?

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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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"because he's black"

He won the most pledged delegates, the most states and the most supers. And despite Hillary's twisted math, the most votes.

but to you, you can't seem to move past the fact that he has black skin. Condemning him as having won on account of some affirmative action.

It's gonna be a sweet couple of days. Seeing everyone who has a problem with black people go ballistic that the White House is within a black man's reach.

BTW, does Obama have to answer for anyone who steps into his church, either now or in the past?

And at least this time you didn't call Obama a Muslim. It is comforting to know that the Dr. Martin Luther King, who has a national holiday in his honor mind you, was in his lifetime also aligned with the then US enemy in order to try to discredit him.

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You discount how close the primary race has been between Hillary and Obama.

And I firmly believe Hillary would have the slight upper hand if she wasn't so disowned and vilified by liberal elites in the party and the media since February. They gave a free pass to Obama, even as they kicked Hillary down.

I don't have a problem with the fact that Obama is black. I do have a problem with the fact that Obama's ideology is rooted in the worst hatreds of white America and paranoid conspiracy theories that the black community holds. And his muslim connections. And his ultraliberalism. If it were Colin Powell or J.C. Watts, I'd be cheering a black candidate, qwho is aligned with the rest of America, not harboring clear resentment for it.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You discount how close the primary race has been between Hillary and Obama.

Delegates needed for the nomination:

Obama 31.5
Clinton 200.5

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 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You discount how close the primary race has been between Hillary and Obama.

Delegates needed for the nomination:

Obama 31.5
Clinton 200.5

Oh i'm sorry,

It's 27.5 delegates that Obama needs.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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 Originally Posted By: whomod

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #960042 2008-06-04 1:44 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Wouldn't an Obama wheezes to the nomination announcement be better suited for his own thread G-man?

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Read about it in Hillary's thread ;\)

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the G-man #960061 2008-06-04 1:58 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Barack Hussein Obama


ᴚ ᴀ ᴐ ᴋ ᴊ ᴌ ᴧ
the G-man #960069 2008-06-04 2:06 AM
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It may be a little bit more than that though. This was a state that was supposed to be an easy win for him not so long ago. That's not supposed to happen to the presumptive nomination winner. That with her other wins will make it very tough for Obama not to have her on the ticket as VP.

Fair play!
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Obama's Fuzzy Math:
  • "I have seen people of differing views and opinions find common cause many times during my two decades in public life..."

    By that he means under 12 years.

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Mickey Rooney: Hi, Milhouse. The studio sent me to talk to you, being a former child star myself, "and" the number one box office draw from 1939 to 1940.
Bart Simpson: Wow, spanning two decades.

Billie Jean is not my lover.
the G-man #960292 2008-06-04 5:04 PM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You discount how close the primary race has been between Hillary and Obama.

Delegates needed for the nomination:

Obama 31.5
Clinton 200.5

Obama is losing altitude, even as he secures the nomination.

I find it telling that he NEVER could have secured the nomination in state primary delegates, and was only able to do so with superdelegates (i.e., elite DNC insiders, in backroom deals).

And even more telling is that Hillary won North Dakota, again proving herself to be the DNC voters' choice, even as Obama circumnavigated the voters with superdelegates.
Hillary wins actual states.
Obama wins superdelegates.

Wonder Boy #960296 2008-06-04 5:11 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Political Fundraiser Tony Rezko Found Guilty on 16 Counts in Corruption Trial
  • A federal jury has found a prominent political fundraiser for Sen. Barack Obama and Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich guilty of 16 of 24 counts in his Illinois corruption trial.

    Antoin "Tony" Rezko was accused of scheming to get bribes from businesses seeking state contracts.

    The jury delivered its verdict Wednesday after a nine-week trial.

    Rezko has known Obama since he entered politics and was involved in a 2005 real estate deal with the Democratic presidential candidate, although testimony barely touched on their relationship.

I am sure that whomod will be happy to apply the same "guilt by association" standards he uses for republicans and we will hear his strong words of condemnation shortly.

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it looks like the new way of politics is a lot like the old way, only with a tight haircut!

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do the kids still say tight?

Bow ties are coool.
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Probably not.

But I do know they don't wear 3-D glasses anymore.

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 Originally Posted By: Michael Jackson
Probably not.

But I do know they don't wear 3-D glasses anymore.

8 year olds, dude.

Bow ties are coool.
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