• http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/27000.htm

    "Sites have been discovered in all regions of the country and contain members of every major religious and ethnic group in Iraq as well as foreign nationals, including Kuwaitis and Saudis. Over 250 sites have been reported [as of this article, December 19, 2003], of which approximately 40 have been confirmed to date. Over one million Iraqis are believed to be missing in Iraq as a result of executions, wars and defections, of whom hundreds of thousands are thought to be in mass graves."

I've also posted many similar articles over the years to document what I say, as opposed to you just talking out your ass, Halo.

The http://www.iraqbodycount.org site is one run by journalists whose liberal politics and animosity toward the Bush administration probably is closer to your POV than mine. And even they, at the outer edge of inflated numbers, estimate at most 92,000 Iraqi civilian deaths since the war began in 2003.