sorry if this has already been discussed... i am lost to this political forum, and only visited because jla said whomod called me a true american! (thanks, buddy!)


so, yeah. hillary scares the crap outta me, and probably the last person i'd ever want in charge. however, i also think she's the strongest chance (at least thus far) of having a woman president.

what are the odds of her using this saturday's speech to announce an independant run?

she does have a strong following. and, although slightly lesser, is about as popular as obama. and, as much as i wish her to never, ever win, i enjoy the thought of having a third pillar with some might -- perhaps relax the strangle hold the two current parties have over politics.

...and now that i've asked, i'll probably never return to read the answers! its up to you, misterjla!! the second TRUE american!!!

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