Originally Posted By: whomod
Yes yes, arguing about what a dickhead Sadaam was doesn't change the fact that we didn't go into Iraq to avenge his victims not does it change the fact that the method used to gather how many victims died under Sadaam is about the same methodology used to gauge the Iraq war dead.

So it's a pointless distraction either way. The point is that there is a report that Bush has spent YEARS suppressing that calls the fuckhead a liar on what we've been told about the war and it (yet again) corroborates his critics.

And Halo sucking dick pictures might make you all feel good. But this was never a game. Because of the tacit unquestioning approval of people like you guys and because of the hounding of anyone who opposed or questioned these lies, it was allowed to go on for YEARS already. That's real dead American soldiers, never mind the dead Iraqi's, on YOUR hands, people. And pictures of dick suckings and childish insults doesn't change that. It just goes to show just what mindless childish bullies took our country hostage for too too long. the good thing is that historically, it didn't go too well for the McCarthyites, after they fell from power and influence either.

The report said that Iraq didn't try to buy uranium from Africa, but it also said that the intelligence on Iraq did say that Saddam had restarted his chemical and nuclear weapons program. It was the intelligence, not Bush, that was wrong on that. The same intelligence that Clinton, Kerry, and even John Rockefeller said was true prior to the Bush administration taking office. I'll admit that al Quiada wasn't involved with Iraq as long as you also admit that terrorist training camps were in fact discovered in Iraq.

This report changes nothing for me as it in no way has provided any information to contradict the reasons I supported the war with the exception of the faulty intelligence on the nuclear program (a fact that's been in public knowledge for years). I agreed with going to war with Iraq though I may not have agreed or believed all of Bush's reasons to. I still think that it was a good idea. I just feel that it wasn't handled properly from the get-go, and I give Bush and his administration the responsibility for that.

See, you like to say that I just follow what Bush says blindly because it's just another way for you to discount my opinion. It ignores the fact that I've said (repeatedly) that I disagree with many of his policies before on this very board. I disagree with his education plan, creation of more government bureaucracy, his inability to cut useless government spending, and the detaining of the Gitmo prisoners without trial among others. But, then again, I'm only capable of toeing the Bush line. So I guess I'm just going to have to follow this super secret memo that I've just received from the White House and tell you to go fuck yourself.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."