Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: whomod
A shame over 4000 American troops had to die for your guys' stupidity though.

Yes, ignore the estimated 300,000 Iraqis that Saddam had killed in his 24 year reign.

300,000 over 24 years vs 400,000 over 5 years. Hmm

Not to mention 400,000 troops + Iraqi casualties.

The people who've published those gigantic numbers have no scientific method to their study. Essentially, they asked Iraqis how many people they think have died and add the numbers together. At best the number can be estimated to about 150,000 (a grotesque number for sure, despite what your leanings on the war are), which is hardly the 400,000 to 1 million that many anti-war sites are claiming. Again, these are estimated deaths. So far we can prove 300,000+ deaths due to Saddam's orders with many more suspected of being out there. Then again, you don't seem too concerned about that. And people wonder how the tragedies of Darfur or Nazi Germany can happen without anyone attempting to stop them.

x the holocaust

You're kidding right? You don't think we have a scientific method of counting corpses that don't belong to troops? Of all the pencil necks in the Pentagon you don't think one of them can count. Honestly doctor, for years many days you turn on the news and it would say "25 Iraqis killed, 2 U.S soldiers dead". Givin that this has become a Civil War I think it's almost common sense that the ratio of Iraqis killed to our troops will will be higher on the Iraqi side.

And you know what? All that other stuff you complain about Bush doing is superficial and inconsequential in comparison to this war.