The ones who use the numbers you quoted didn't get their information from actual morgue documents and only used word of mouth estimates, which is what I said before. Or are you still not able to fucking read? Jesus Christ, it's like talking to a retarded child.

What your saying doesn't make any sense. At all. According to you, Who's sources didn't have scientific methods so now there's NO WAY of knowing an Iraqi body count for sure? Use some fucking common sense.

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
So....is my disagreeing with how the war has been run inconsequential? Or are you just once again trying to run around my points so that you can feel like you're superior in this conversation? Cuz it ain't workin'.

The fuck are you talking about? Nobody is talking about your opinion. I'm stating the opinion that all that other shit is a stupid concern in comparison to this war and the direction it's placed America in. You Whores really are the biggest bunch of hypocrites on earth. Instead of conceding a point when backed into a corner you just pull shit out of your ass. I also find it hysterical how you morons have begun taking to the argument "you're just ignoring my points" since that's been one of our main arguments against you bitches.