You are so goddamn, fucking stupid. Did they not teach you to read in that inbred camp of carny folk you come from? Didn't you see where I said that the most scientific research into Iraqi casualties has the number at less than half of what you quoted?

First of all, I never quoted an actual body count you stupid son of a bitch. I just said "400,000 troops plus Iraqi casualties". Therefore your point is not only irrelevant is stupid. What makes you think your sources of info are so much better than everyone else's?

I stated that I have opinions that don't toe the party line (one being on how the war has been run). You glossed over that just to say that my opinions on education or big government didn't matter as a way to just make me the bad guy again. Ignore the fact that two of the examples I gave are directly tied to Iraq and the War on Terror (Gitmo and the overall running of the Iraq campaign). I made my opinions on this war rather clear in this very thread today. Just because you disagree with them, it doesn't mean that you're right.

No, dummy, I didn't say your opinion doesn't matter just the issues. All that other stuff isn't as important the Iraq issue.