But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
Originally Posted By: Halo82
The above might be the only way your dumbass can interpret my actions but that doesn't make it true.
You're right. My interpretation doesn't make it true. Your actions, and the amount of time you spend posting, despite the abuse, makes it true.
Originally Posted By: Halo82
Believe what you will, but I'd rather be stuck on a desert island surrounded by cannibals then be like any of you projecting, decietful, apathetic, deluded, petty, arrogant, vain, automatons.
"Deceitful." And you don't need the comma in "vain, automatons." Also, once again you're lying. For every reason I've stated.
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
You know what's really funny? This whole time I thought he was just using questionable numbers from anti-war websites. Turns out that he's just a fucking moron.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
No, I've just felt that Saddam should have been taken out in the 90's, and the fact that Bush Sr. didn't do it or fully support the rebels to do so was a big failing of his administration.
the only reasonable answer now is that dementia set in in his old age.
the failure of Bush Sr. though to back the very uprising that he called for is indeed a big failing of his though.
No, I've just felt that Saddam should have been taken out in the 90's, and the fact that Bush Sr. didn't do it or fully support the rebels to do so was a big failing of his administration.
the only reasonable answer now is that dementia set in in his old age.
the failure of Bush Sr. though to back the very uprising that he called for is indeed a big failing of his though.
No, Whomod, this has been answered over and over for months.
What Cheney said in answer to this, on Meet the Press and elsewhere, is that keeping U.S. troops in the middle east from 1991-2003 to contain Saddam Hussein had its own risks, and was used as a rationalization by Al Qaida and other muslims for terrorism against the U.S.
So... while Cheney still saw the risks of invading Iraq, he saw the risks of keeping things as they had been for 13 years as an even greater risk, and that regime-change in Iraq had to be attempted.
You, Halo82, and the other treasonous liberals all make the talking points for our muslim enemies, that our troops in the Middle East is what gave muslims provocation for terrorism on 9/11.
{if it's necessary to spam the discussion with meaningless photos, at least pick some that are nicer to look at )
You, Halo82, and the other treasonous liberals all make the talking points for our muslim enemies, that our troops in the Middle East is what gave muslims provocation for terrorism on 9/11.
Sorry dude, you're sooo 2004. "treasonous" this, "UnAmerican" that. You know what? No ones intimidated or takes that kind of crap seriously anymore. The idiots mouthing off like that are beyond discredited. It's loaded words designed to squelch debate and it's an impotent ploy. I'd expect you to be behind the times. Older people usually are at least a decade behind.
Regardless, to use your words, we don't need to 'mouth any talking points' or be guessing. Osama Bin laden himself said why he attacked the U.S. And before you go on to make the expected attack about repeating his talking points yet again, it's in the fucking 9/11 commission report so why don't you shut the fuck up and accuse the United States Government of repeating his talking points, numbnuts.
In addition, a funny thing happened on the day of the picture on my sig: “On Thursday, May 1, 2003, President Bush landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier ‘Abraham Lincoln.’ Forgetting to undo the parachute clips around his gonads, our President walked bowlegged on the ship’s deck in a green jumpsuit looking astonishingly like Ham, first chimp in space. The scene was so exciting that the media failed to notice that the War on Terror had ended on the previous Tuesday.
“On that day, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld quietly acknowledged that he was withdrawing America’s armed forces from Saudi Arabia.
“I’m always surprised at the debate over ‘What drives Osama? What does Al-Qaeda want?’ There should be no confusion: Al-Qaeda states its mission, like most enterprises, on its Web site. Osama had it written out in English, in capital letters, so it wouldn’t (sic) be difficult to miss the point.
“The ‘two holy places’ are Mecca and Medina, and their ‘land’ is Saudi Arabia. That’s what Osama wanted: U.S. troops out of Saudi Arabia.
“Bin Laden issued his demand on August 23, 1996; and on April 29, 2003, the Tuesday before the President was chauffeured by fighter jet onto the deck of the ‘Abe Lincoln,’ Mr. Bush gave bin Laden exactly what he wanted: U.S. troops sent packing from the Land of the Holy Places.
So it might piss you off, but there we are. Declare victory while capitulating to your enemy's one major demand.
You, Halo82, and the other treasonous liberals all make the talking points for our muslim enemies, that our troops in the Middle East is what gave muslims provocation for terrorism on 9/11.
Sorry dude, you're sooo 2004. "treasonous" this, "UnAmerican" that. You know what? No ones intimidated or takes that kind of crap seriously anymore. The idiots mouthing off like that are beyond discredited. It's loaded words designed to squelch debate and it's an impotent ploy. I'd expect you to be behind the times. Older people usually are at least a decade behind.
Regardless, to use your words, we don't need to 'mouth any talking points' or be guessing. Osama Bin laden himself said why he attacked the U.S. And before you go on to make the expected attack about repeating his talking points yet again, it's in the fucking 9/11 commission report so why don't you shut the fuck up and accuse the United States Government of repeating his talking points, numbnuts.
In addition, a funny thing happened on the day of the picture on my sig: “On Thursday, May 1, 2003, President Bush landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier ‘Abraham Lincoln.’ Forgetting to undo the parachute clips around his gonads, our President walked bowlegged on the ship’s deck in a green jumpsuit looking astonishingly like Ham, first chimp in space. The scene was so exciting that the media failed to notice that the War on Terror had ended on the previous Tuesday.
“On that day, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld quietly acknowledged that he was withdrawing America’s armed forces from Saudi Arabia.
“I’m always surprised at the debate over ‘What drives Osama? What does Al-Qaeda want?’ There should be no confusion: Al-Qaeda states its mission, like most enterprises, on its Web site. Osama had it written out in English, in capital letters, so it wouldn’t (sic) be difficult to miss the point.
“The ‘two holy places’ are Mecca and Medina, and their ‘land’ is Saudi Arabia. That’s what Osama wanted: U.S. troops out of Saudi Arabia.
“Bin Laden issued his demand on August 23, 1996; and on April 29, 2003, the Tuesday before the President was chauffeured by fighter jet onto the deck of the ‘Abe Lincoln,’ Mr. Bush gave bin Laden exactly what he wanted: U.S. troops sent packing from the Land of the Holy Places.
So it might piss you off, but there we are. Declare victory while capitulating to your enemy's one major demand.
Some might even call that "appeasement".
So, after you've hidden your true intent in a lot of evasive words for cover, you DO agree with Osama Bin Ladin and his talking points, that the U.S. brought 9/11 on itself.
Whereas I, as a real American, hold fast to the truth that we were over there because of Saddam Hussein's actions, that we were in Saudi Arabia AT THE REQUEST OF THE SAUDI GOVERNMENT and other Arab governments, and that what happened on 9/11 is an act of vicious terror on thousands of innocent people, that can not be justified by anything.
I stand firmly on the side of the United States and our military. You, and lying partisan cocksuckers like you, take the side of our enemy, mouth their talking points, and BELEIVE their talking points, and spread their false premises to other Americans, working to undermine support your own country.
As for your terrorist camps found in Iraq, you're referring to the Ansar al-Islam guerrillas WHO HAD CAMPS IN THE NORTHERN NO-FLY ZONE under our control and clearly away from Sadaam Hussein's control.
Originally Posted By: thedoctor
No, I'm talking about camps like the one found in Salman Pak (about 20 miles south of Baghdad) that were being run by some in Saddam's own elite army corps. You know, the ones that Saddam's military claimed was for anti-terrorism training of their own soldiers when, in fact, most at the camp were terrorists from other nations being trained in such things as airplane hijackings.
Whomod, you're lying as usual.
I posted an article in its entirety early on in these discussions from a January 2003 issue of the New York Times saying Saddam Hussein was hiring Al Qaida mercenaries to fight the Kurds in Northern Iraq.
That's a nice twisting of the facts on your part.
That's in addition to video footage on 60 Minutes and elsewhere of terrorist training camps in Iraq, including a grounded aircraft used for terrorist training exercises.
Neither one of these sources are ones I'd label as participants in right wing media propaganda. Left wing, definitely, but definitely not right.
There are other dealings on record between Bin Ladin and Saddam Hussein. I'll grant that there are not tons of dealings between them, but there certainly was some level of cooperation between Saddam and Al Qaeda.
I also saw this letter to the editor of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel (the major newspaper for the Fort Lauderdale area) which I found remarkably close to my own views: )
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, editorial page, Sunday, October 5, 2003, page 4-J:
A letter writer [in a previous editorial page] complained that the story in which President Bush acknowledged that there was no proof that Saddam Hussein was behind the September 11th attacks should have been on the front page. Actually, that story was not big news because the administration never claimed such a connection in the first place. Although there is no evidence that Saddam Hussein was directly involved in the planning of September 11th, there is considerable evidence of links between him, al Qaida, and Iraqi training camps for terrorists.
The Bush critics are apparently unaware that in a May 7 ruling on a lawsuit brought against Iraq by the families of September 11th victims, George Eric Smith and Timothy Soulas, Manhattan District Judge Harold Baer ruled there was proof Baghdad played a role in facilitating the attacks. He considered evidence that radical Islamists were trained to hijack U.S. airliners at Salman Pak, an Iraqi terrorist training camp.
Evidence has also been found that in Iraq connecting al Qaida and an Iraqi to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Documents have now been found in Iraq that show Saddam Hussein provided monthly payments and a home to that Iraqi, whose name is Abdul Rahman Yasin.
It is clear that the administration has taken a conservative path in not claiming a direct tie between Iraq and September 11th, even though there is clear circumstantial evidence of such ties. It is also clear that Saddam Hussein has supported terrorism in Israel, which has resulted in the deaths of many Israelis, and some Americans.
Thankfully, we have a president with the courage to do what is needed to combat terrorism's threat, which should be identified as World War III.
The real story that should be on the front pages is the large amount of evidence of links between Iraq and al Qaida.
For some reason, the major media are concentrating only on the negative aspects of the fight against terrorism, and not against the many positive aspects of it.
That's not even mentioning Saddam Hussein's plot to assassinate George Bush Sr. Or that one of the 9-11 terrorists met in Prague (Czech Republic) with a Saddam Hussein official, in the weeks prior to 9-11.
The terrorist training camp inside Saddam Hussein's Iraq, with a grounded aircraft for hijacking training, is something I mentioned in a previous Iraq topic. And several who trained in that camp have given information to U.S. intelligence about their training in that camp.
And I previously posted a January 2003 article from the New York Times, about al Qaida hired as mercenaries in Northern Iraq by Hussein, to kill Kurdish resistance fighters.
As I said, considerable evidence of a connection between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaida, even if a 9-11 "smoking gun" connection cannot be found.
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
No, they're not facts. It's just a bunch of self serving nonsense you'd like to believe. It's fun fucking with you douchebags. End of story.
[quote]You're right. My interpretation doesn't make it true. Your actions, and the amount of time you spend posting, despite the abuse, makes it true
So I guess the tantrums you throw, the fact you get "excited" when I'm around, how you have to congratulate yourself at every turn, fabricate reality, project on to other, and the time you spend replying to not only me but every invader means absolutely nothing? Everything I've said here can be explained for more then what you'd like to think it is. But you, there's no reason for any of this other then...you are fucked up.
"Deceitful." And you don't need the comma in "vain, automatons." Also, once again you're lying. For every reason I've stated.
I don't see any reasons. Just self serving conjecture. Which isn't anything new with you. Practically everything that comes out of your mouth is self serving. You want me to have a persecution complex cause that means I've overblown your tantrums, you want me to have dyslexia cause that means everything I say is miscontrue'd and invalid, you want to be weak-willed cause that would make you strong, etc etc. Now, you are just gonna deflect this with something like "Ha ha Tommy is brushing his teeth" which will only prove for the millionth time that I'm right.
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
You know what's really funny? This whole time I thought he was just using questionable numbers from anti-war websites. Turns out that he's just a fucking moron.
HOLY SHIT, I made a mistake. I know that more people have died in Iraq then in 9/11 and for some reason I always think 300,000 people died that day so 400,000 seemed reasonable. But now you are just going to exaggerate on my one mistake (like I said you would) cause like the rest of these nitwits you can't do any better.
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
You know what's really funny? This whole time I thought he was just using questionable numbers from anti-war websites. Turns out that he's just a fucking moron.
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
You know what's really funny? This whole time I thought he was just using questionable numbers from anti-war websites. Turns out that he's just a fucking moron.
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
You know what's really funny? This whole time I thought he was just using questionable numbers from anti-war websites. Turns out that he's just a fucking moron.
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
You know what's really funny? This whole time I thought he was just using questionable numbers from anti-war websites. Turns out that he's just a fucking moron.
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
You know what's really funny? This whole time I thought he was just using questionable numbers from anti-war websites. Turns out that he's just a fucking moron.
HOLY SHIT, I made a mistake. I know that more people have died in Iraq then in 9/11 and for some reason I always think 300,000 people died that day so 400,000 seemed reasonable. But now you are just going to exaggerate on my one mistake (like I said you would) cause like the rest of these nitwits you can't do any better.
You do realize that all this post does is make you look even stupider, right?
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
No, they're not facts. It's just a bunch of self serving nonsense you'd like to believe. It's fun fucking with you douchebags. End of story.
[quote]You're right. My interpretation doesn't make it true. Your actions, and the amount of time you spend posting, despite the abuse, makes it true
So I guess the tantrums you throw, the fact you get "excited" when I'm around, how you have to congratulate yourself at every turn, fabricate reality, project on to other, and the time you spend replying to not only me but every invader means absolutely nothing? Everything I've said here can be explained for more then what you'd like to think it is. But you, there's no reason for any of this other then...you are fucked up.
"Deceitful." And you don't need the comma in "vain, automatons." Also, once again you're lying. For every reason I've stated.
I don't see any reasons. Just self serving conjecture. Which isn't anything new with you. Practically everything that comes out of your mouth is self serving. You want me to have a persecution complex cause that means I've overblown your tantrums, you want me to have dyslexia cause that means everything I say is miscontrue'd and invalid, you want to be weak-willed cause that would make you strong, etc etc. Now, you are just gonna deflect this with something like "Ha ha Tommy is brushing his teeth" which will only prove for the millionth time that I'm right.
Pretty defensive, there, Tommy. You don't seem like you're having much fun. I didn't even mention your inability to even brush your teeth without gagging. But whatever you need to deny the truth that you're a punchline here is fine with me. I'm sure you've got anywhere from 300,000 to 400,000 justifications.
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
No, they're not facts. It's just a bunch of self serving nonsense you'd like to believe. It's fun fucking with you douchebags. End of story.
You're right. My interpretation doesn't make it true. Your actions, and the amount of time you spend posting, despite the abuse, makes it true
So I guess the tantrums you throw, the fact you get "excited" when I'm around, how you have to congratulate yourself at every turn, fabricate reality, project on to other, and the time you spend replying to not only me but every invader means absolutely nothing? Everything I've said here can be explained for more then what you'd like to think it is. But you, there's no reason for any of this other then...you are fucked up.
"Deceitful." And you don't need the comma in "vain, automatons." Also, once again you're lying. For every reason I've stated.
I don't see any reasons. Just self serving conjecture. Which isn't anything new with you. Practically everything that comes out of your mouth is self serving. You want me to have a persecution complex cause that means I've overblown your tantrums, you want me to have dyslexia cause that means everything I say is miscontrue'd and invalid, you want to be weak-willed cause that would make you strong, etc etc. Now, you are just gonna deflect this with something like "Ha ha Tommy is brushing his teeth" which will only prove for the millionth time that I'm right.
Pretty defensive, there, Tommy. You don't seem like you're having much fun. I didn't even mention your inability to even brush your teeth without gagging. But whatever you need to deny the truth that you're a punchline here is fine with me. I'm sure you've got anywhere from 300,000 to 400,000 justifications.
I knew it-
Originally Posted By: Halo82
Now, you are just gonna deflect this with something like "Ha ha Tommy is brushing his teeth" which will only prove for the millionth time that I'm right
HOLY SHIT, I made a mistake. I know that more people have died in Iraq then in 9/11 and for some reason I always think 300,000 people died that day so 400,000 seemed reasonable. But now you are just going to exaggerate on my one mistake (like I said you would) cause like the rest of these nitwits you can't do any better.
You do realize that all this post does is make you look even stupider, right?
You do realize that I don't care what you assholes think? I especially don't care what you retards consider to be intelligent/stupid. Not one of you is nearly as righteous as you claim to be.
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
No, they're not facts. It's just a bunch of self serving nonsense you'd like to believe. It's fun fucking with you douchebags. End of story.
You're right. My interpretation doesn't make it true. Your actions, and the amount of time you spend posting, despite the abuse, makes it true
So I guess the tantrums you throw, the fact you get "excited" when I'm around, how you have to congratulate yourself at every turn, fabricate reality, project on to other, and the time you spend replying to not only me but every invader means absolutely nothing? Everything I've said here can be explained for more then what you'd like to think it is. But you, there's no reason for any of this other then...you are fucked up.
"Deceitful." And you don't need the comma in "vain, automatons." Also, once again you're lying. For every reason I've stated.
I don't see any reasons. Just self serving conjecture. Which isn't anything new with you. Practically everything that comes out of your mouth is self serving. You want me to have a persecution complex cause that means I've overblown your tantrums, you want me to have dyslexia cause that means everything I say is miscontrue'd and invalid, you want to be weak-willed cause that would make you strong, etc etc. Now, you are just gonna deflect this with something like "Ha ha Tommy is brushing his teeth" which will only prove for the millionth time that I'm right.
Pretty defensive, there, Tommy. You don't seem like you're having much fun. I didn't even mention your inability to even brush your teeth without gagging. But whatever you need to deny the truth that you're a punchline here is fine with me. I'm sure you've got anywhere from 300,000 to 400,000 justifications.
I knew it-
Originally Posted By: Halo82
Now, you are just gonna deflect this with something like "Ha ha Tommy is brushing his teeth" which will only prove for the millionth time that I'm right
Thanks for being so predictable Joe
No, thank YOU for your dyslexic inability to understand a basic post. I clearly said I DIDN'T mention it.
It's fun owning you like I do.
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
But they are facts, Tommy. And you know it. Besides, what's wrong with stating opnion as fact? You've been doing it in this very thread, if not all over these boards.
PS: Is it the dyslexia that keeps you from understanding the difference between 4,000 and 400,000?
No, they're not facts. It's just a bunch of self serving nonsense you'd like to believe. It's fun fucking with you douchebags. End of story.
You're right. My interpretation doesn't make it true. Your actions, and the amount of time you spend posting, despite the abuse, makes it true
So I guess the tantrums you throw, the fact you get "excited" when I'm around, how you have to congratulate yourself at every turn, fabricate reality, project on to other, and the time you spend replying to not only me but every invader means absolutely nothing? Everything I've said here can be explained for more then what you'd like to think it is. But you, there's no reason for any of this other then...you are fucked up.
"Deceitful." And you don't need the comma in "vain, automatons." Also, once again you're lying. For every reason I've stated.
I don't see any reasons. Just self serving conjecture. Which isn't anything new with you. Practically everything that comes out of your mouth is self serving. You want me to have a persecution complex cause that means I've overblown your tantrums, you want me to have dyslexia cause that means everything I say is miscontrue'd and invalid, you want to be weak-willed cause that would make you strong, etc etc. Now, you are just gonna deflect this with something like "Ha ha Tommy is brushing his teeth" which will only prove for the millionth time that I'm right.
Pretty defensive, there, Tommy. You don't seem like you're having much fun. I didn't even mention your inability to even brush your teeth without gagging. But whatever you need to deny the truth that you're a punchline here is fine with me. I'm sure you've got anywhere from 300,000 to 400,000 justifications.
I knew it-
Originally Posted By: Halo82
Now, you are just gonna deflect this with something like "Ha ha Tommy is brushing his teeth" which will only prove for the millionth time that I'm right
Thanks for being so predictable Joe
It's like they never taught you reading comprehension in school.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
HOLY SHIT, I made a mistake. I know that more people have died in Iraq then in 9/11 and for some reason I always think 300,000 people died that day so 400,000 seemed reasonable. But now you are just going to exaggerate on my one mistake (like I said you would) cause like the rest of these nitwits you can't do any better.
You do realize that all this post does is make you look even stupider, right?
You do realize that I don't care what you assholes think? I especially don't care what you retards consider to be intelligent/stupid. Not one of you is nearly as righteous as you claim to be.
More scrambling and flailing. No one here claims to be righteous, Tommy. And, yes, you DO care what we think. It's apparent with every defensive post you make, every weak justification, every attempt to defend your points even when they're proven wrong. You're very presence here is proof that you care what we think.
Take your dyslexia medication, Tommy.
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock