Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: whomod

It's that kind of attitude that allowed the 9/11 attacks to happen in the 1st place and then tried to blame it on the people who were actually trying to do something to prevent them.

I give you concrete articles from the past to prove my point and that point pisses you off so you dismiss and ridicule it.

I made my point. The Republicans weakened us before 9/11 and people like you were more focused on Clinton's blow jobs to even know who the fuck Bin laden was.

You ask for concrete evidence while you pull "facts" out of your ass? Maybe if clinton was less worried about chubbies giving him BJ's he would have gone after bin laden when he attacked the U.S.S. cole. Or did you forget about that? Maybe you should add that to your death toll in your signature you fucking retard.

I've already addressed all that time and again, maybe if you'd pay attention and stop listening to the people who most of the country already know as liars, you'd know that as well.

And as you can see from the linked articles if you'd actually stop to read instead of being a smarmy dumbass, you'd see that Clinton was doing plenty to try to thwart terrorism. All to fierce opposition from the Republican Congress who was more interested in the aforementioned blow jobs and land deal investigations.

Plus if you weren't such a dismissive dumbass, you could go to TIME magazine and read "9/11: The Secret History" where it details why exactly Clinton didn't attack after the Cole and why it ultimately was Bush who didn't respond to it.

Since you won't bother, I'll tell you. It was verified that Bin Laden attacked the Cole, in Dec 2000, with only weeks left in Clinton's Presidency. So he deferred it to Bush as to not embroil him in possible war coming into his Presidency without his agreement. And Richard Clark and everyone Clinton assembled to deal with Bin laden were demoted from Cabinet level positions and were derided as being "obsessed with Osama". The real threat you see was from ICBMS and thus the focus needed to be missile defense!

That pretty much gels with everything else I just posted. The Republicans belittled antiterrorism up until 9/11 and ten covered their asses by trying to blame Clinton. And it succeeded with the same dumbasses who thought Sadaam had WMD's and Al Queda ties.

I understand you guys are all right wing and Bush cock suckers, but you're entitled to your own beliefs, you aren't entitled to your own facts.