Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap
 Originally Posted By: rex
zzap is the one neglecting his kids in real life. None of us have done anything on that level. Why don't you go wag your finger at him?

Now that's funny. Mr. 32,000 posts is schooling me about "neglecting" things? You know what, at least I was able to pry myself away from this hole and have sex with a woman that resulted in children.

When's the last time you did that? Hell, when's the last time you actually moved your ass and pissed in a toilet instead of the jug you keep near your computer so you don't have to miss a thing here?


You ignore your kids IN REAL LIFE! and the best you can throw at me is my post count? You guys can't compete at our level. Just go away now.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.