The difference between rex's use of whomod's daughter and Uschi's use of my son is that whomod's daughter was only 12 weeks old at the time. My son, even at the age of 10, is more than capable of handling himself verbally. Fucking with an innocent newborn is what set me off. Well, that and a couple other things mentioned in that post, but primarily an attack on a baby. And as good as my son is, heaven help you if you ever cross my 12 year old daughter. She'll pwn your ass in three different languages (english, spanish and hebrew and next year German) using words and phrases I can't even decipher, yet which results in hearty peals of laughter from her "posse". (Word, yo!)
So, are you going to have your son come on this board and post his rebuttal to Uschi? Cuz, if not, then it's really not that different, is it?
The fact is that you were able to understand that something posted by someone you don't really even know somewhere else in the world on a message board on the internet will in no way actually have an effect on your children. It's that simple. I can understand whomod, being a new dad, maybe unable to grasp that concept right now; but it seems as though you still should. Had whomod confronted rex, that'd been one thing. Instead, the lot of you decided to go to war over mere words on the internet that don't really mean anything.