it's clear to everyone why you talk tough on the internet, especially after we saw how you ran from your commitment to the marines.
The Marines rejected me jerk off. I was serving the country you love so much back when you were just sitting around here running your mouth. Like all little men you're nothing but talk BSAMS
You backed out of your commitment. That makes you a coward. Plain and simple. Continue the lies if you must, but we know. The insurgents know. Coward.
No, I didn't. The Marines decided they didn't want to pay for my medical issues. They released me. You can say whatever you want but as usual you are ignorant little shit who doesn't have the balls to do the things he expects other to do. I mean fuck, what proof do you have of what happened between me and Marines other than what I've said? None. So I guess there goes the "lies" bit. Why don't you get off the internet and go serve BSAMS?