Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

You don't even have enoug balls to make a straight up argument on the internet.

if my balls are summed up by what i couldnt do on the internet, and your balls are summed up by what you can do on the internet, i think that says a lot.

It does. You are a mirage, BSAMS. Alotta talk and no substance. You're not that diffrent from alot of the Whores on this board only you combine pathological idiocy with blind jingoism.

Halo: Lookit me, I'm king of the world!

Halo's Mom: Son get off the internet and clean your room!

Halo: Yes, ma \:\(

Rooms already clean.