When my daughter was born, if someone looked at her the wrong way or didn't pay her a sufficient amount of compliments (as determined by me), I would go for their jugular. Fortunately, this rarely happened and most of the surrounding community suffered relatively little collateral damage.
What a fucking tosser.
My g-d, you're right. All this time. ALL THIS TIME!!! I've been wrong...oh so wrong.

If having pride in one's children makes me a "fucking tosser", so be it. I guess that's just not something you could relate to because you never experienced it from your own parents.
Fucking moron.

Having pride in your kids means that if they aren't paid a "sufficient amount of compliments" the offenders will suffer "collateral damage"?
This from the guy who neglected his kids by pawning them off on his ex, so he could get clowned on a message board?
Are you for real?
And I'll fill you in on a little secret: the next person who finds you intimidating in anyway will also be the first.
"Oh no! There's Steve Zwick! If we don't heap praise on his kids, he might go for our jugular!"
I have to say, I like most of the people here. You...you are not my favorite. You're kind of an idiot.
I'll tell you why. This wasn't a post to go after. Obviously if he LITERALLY didn't like it when people refused to pay his daughter a sufficient amount of compliments that would just be silly, yes. But it was an ironic exaggeration. He used hyperbole to convey just how protective he was of his daughter, but in a humorous manner. It's supposed to be silly. How...how do you not get that?
This isn't the first time I've seen you make this mistake, so, you know - watch out for that.