Originally Posted By: whomod
Again, he's either a liar, or losing his faculties. Watch a video of McCain making both statements, below:

"But I'm not for quote privatizing Social Security, I never have been, I never will be." - New Hampshire Town Hall, 06/12/08

"Without privatization, I don't see how you can possibly, over time, make sure that young Americans are able to receive Social Security benefits." - C-Span Road to the White House, 11/18/2004

It's fun to watch the schizophrenia at work here. On the one hand he has to appeal to the far right as dwindling as they happen to be and on the other, he has to appeal to moderates in order to get elected. I'm waiting for when he overloads with all this opposing and contradictory data and his head starts smoking and then just explodes.

The Schizophrenic circus rolls onward!!

This really is too much!