Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Yellow Blossum

I have to say, I like most of the people here. You...you are not my favorite. You're kind of an idiot.

I'll tell you why. This wasn't a post to go after. Obviously if he LITERALLY didn't like it when people refused to pay his daughter a sufficient amount of compliments that would just be silly, yes. But it was an ironic exaggeration. He used hyperbole to convey just how protective he was of his daughter, but in a humorous manner. It's supposed to be silly. How...how do you not get that?

This isn't the first time I've seen you make this mistake, so, you know - watch out for that.

You mean to tell me that Steve didn't literally attack the jugular vein of anyone who didn't shower his kids with compliments? He was exaggerating?

Whoa! I can tell why you are considered to be one of the smarter insurgency users!

You'll have to understand why I took the scary Captain Zzap seriously. This is a guy who chose to forsake his family, job, and a close friend just so he could make a fool out of himself on a message board. The guy has some...interesting priorities. If he's that messed up, I can still see him going after someone that didn't kiss his ass over how great his kids are. AND I DON'T MEAN HIM LITERALLY ATTACKING SOMEONE'S JUGULAR VEIN. THAT WOULD BE JUST SILLY.

Pouting and making angry faces is more his style.

so basically if we don't do what he should have been doing while 'raiding' us and generating ad revenue for rob, he'll get all pissy with us and spam 'WE WIN AGAIN!' until he's shot his load?


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