Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
so it's courageous now to blunder in here and get your ass kicked night after night after night... for what? a fake alt based on a person whose name we don't even know, a person who isn't capable of realizing the 'insult' at this time or in the immediate future? what exactly did he hope to accomplish other than providing us with cheap entertainment and plenty of target practice?

He's defending a friend. That's a worthwhile cause in my book and in his. It's about honor. Whether you guys think what happened was a big deal or not is irrelevant. We did and our conscience dictates that we do something about it.

I'm not sure there is anything to achieve past this point. An apology would be nice, but that's not going to happen. What we achieved was the fact that we feel we did the right thing by defending a friend. And Halo is continuing to do so in... *ahem* his own way.