what 'elitist attitude' are you talking about? I never said one had to be college educated to be intelligent.
Oh no?
Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
says the budding rhodes scholar with... how much post-secondary education again?
right. almost forgot.
hell, you don't have to be college educated to be smarter than halo - that doesn't even take a ged! I was simply illustrating that beyond his online dictionary and parroting the posters around him, there's not all that much keeping poor little wankie off the short bus.
Parroting the posters around me? That's rich. Who was it who made fun of your weak ass Bright stories? Who did I steal that from? Who said that chick wasn't for real, who did I parrot about that? I do believe I was the first to call you a hack. So yeah, you're an idiot.
it's true that you have some small amount of original material, if only because it takes a lot of effort for someone to match your level of stupidity. and it's hardly 'elitist' to call you unintelligent; there are plenty of people with less of an education than yourself who can at least convey their thoughts in an articulate manner. I realize you don't have a good handle on the idea of context, but I never claimed that people without a college education are somehow 'inferior'. I have on the other hand stated repeatedly that you are inferior because you are you. I'm sorry that's such a hard truth for you to grasp, but the sooner you admit you have a problem, the sooner you will become less of a dumbshit.
I have a very good handle on context which why I know that your statement was in fact you frowning on people who don't have an education.
I just don't see Sammitch as being the kind of person to judge based on something like that. I think it's essentially calling you a fucking retard. Which you are.
And I still can't believe you that only a few post down you make your famous "edit with a crying motie" post and here you are talking about originality?
Generally speaking, that's the simplest way to summarize your bullshit. Know what they say, if the shoe fits...
You only say I'm not articulate and unintelligible cause you NEED to believe you are smarter than me. Like I said in another thread, it's a pathological thing with you. I think I've been very articulate in describing you and your fascination/hatred of me.
No. You're inarticulate and unintelligible.
"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all." -- Lothar of the Hill People