Originally Posted By: PCG342
You're right. I have no way of telling what you're really like in real life. But I honestly picture you as the type who can't say jack shit to anyone's face, and sits around silently judging everyone he comes into contact with. Before you accuse me of the same, allow me to point out that I said silently.
Besides, with every post it becomes more and more apparent that you're completely full of shit.
I mean, fuck, I'm not exactly loved here, and that's fine. This place is a good way to kill some time. Few of the people here are actually fun to talk to, and if nothing else, watching all their goofy antics is enjoyable. Especially with fuckheads like you around here.

I'm not gonna call you fake or a coward, just an idiot with no insight.

What have I said that is bullshit? Specifically?

I'm picturing you as a foot in mouth guy who doesn't put much thought into anything so I doubt you'll be able to come up with anything.