It was late, or maybe it was early....I just got on the best fuckin' acid trip EVAR! I saw the forks an' spoons and shit jump out of the drawer and start warring with eachother. The knives were Jedi and each was a different color, and some were Sith. Then someone knocked at the door. He said he was UPS or USM or GAY or something but I think he was the devil so I killed him. Then I took one of the blue jedi and cut him open and ate his lungs wich weren't chocolate pudding after all. Then I poured a bowl of ice and sat my junk in it till it was purple and I took a Sith and cut it off and marinated it and ran outside and chased my old neighbor ladie who turned out to be a big man with a gun. so I killed her too. I think I saw a dog somewhere but I'm not sure because I have my contacts inside out. wooooooooooooooooo