At chasing the sickness known as rexy, the human shit stain from this board.

Once again, rexy, the human shit stain, after making a few weak, lame and feeble posts has chosen to tuck his tail between his legs and run away. The good thing about that is now rexy, the human shit stain can legitimately claim to have something between his legs besides an empty bag where his balls used to be before he voluntarily gave them to me in an act of surrender and submission. Plus, rexy, the human shit stain's tail can clean out some of that muck building up along his taint.

Bye, rexy! Bye! Bye!

Rexy is a human shit stain
Do dah, do dah
Rexy is a human shit stain
All the do dah day.

Masturbates all night
While thinking of Halo
Rexy is a human shit stain
All the do dah day.

Gonna wank all night
Gonna wank all day
Rexy is a human shit stain
All the do dah day.



P.S. This is personal to rexy, the human shit stain. In case you hadn't guessed, your pathetic attempts (or are they threats?) to get me to "back the fuck off" that you've sent me in now 2 PMs isn't going to work. Sorry. You are a human shit stain and I'm going to make sure you remember that and everyone else learns it.

Rex 5/24/08 "You know how you say Zzap! at the end of every post? Thats hella cool. I'm gonna start doing it."

Wonder Boy the racist pedophile - 5/24/08 - "I wish someone would embed that cute little African AMERICAN mouthing your COCK."

Rex's sexual confusion - May 25, 2008 - "I am a woman. and no, I will not show you any pictures."

First Among Daves homo obsession with my hands - May 25, 2008 - "I'm guessing the rest of the fingernails on your soft and supple hands are long. Big palms, soft skin with no callouses. Perhaps you moisturise so the flesh on your hands stays a little wet."