What I dislike:

It needlessly ditched the origin from the previous movie; you could have made sequel and yet have made a "Hulk smash!" story.

The "new" origin didn't mention the gamma bomb or Rick Jones. I hoped this movie would be similar to the comics, not the TV-series. The series was charming and great FOR ITS TIME, like the Batman series from the 1960's. Not something I'd base a new franchise on.

This seems a little contradictory.

On one hand, you didn't want them to ditch the origin from the Ang Li movie. On the other, you wish they'd ditched the Ang Li origin in order to go back to the comic book origin.

I'd also argue that the comic book origin is the one that's quaint and old fashioned (what with its emphasis on the nuclear arms race and the commies), moreso than the TV show's version.