Borat Was Right: Angie's New Movie Proves It- two things are gleaned quickly from watching this comic book-turned-screen mess: First, Borat may have been right about Kazakhstan. Second, only Marvel Comics can make this kind of movie properly.
First, Borat. Director Timur Bekmambetov is from Kazakhstan and it shows. This is his first American movie, and I believe it is his first in English. This could be a clue as to why "Wanted" — which is visually arresting and loaded with enough computer-generated graphics to spawn many video games — is also incoherent. I still have little idea what it was about. Neither did most of the audience in my screening.
But the concept for "Wanted" is based on a comic book by Mark Millar. I’m not familiar with it, and the movie does nothing to explain it. The screenplay takes McAvoy’s Wesley Gibson, a "nobody" who whines about his boring life, and turns him abruptly into a superhero enforcer of justice.
Wesley is also the son of a famous assassin whom he’s never met. He learns this from Jolie, who is billed as the movie’s star but isn’t. She’s rather a beautiful, if mostly mysterious, second-fiddle player, a member of a league of assassins known as "The Fraternity" led by Morgan Freeman.
Unlike the hit Marvel movies, "Wanted" is fuzzy on all facts. It’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. There’s no love story. The main character, Wesley, is poorly drawn even though McAvoy is incredibly appealing as he tries to help the audience figure out the story.
At 5-foot-7 on a very good day, McAvoy is an odd choice for action hero. But maybe his agents are hoping to turn the 29-year-old Scottish actor into the new Tom Cruise. Stranger things have happened.
As for Angelina: She’s in and out of the film. Her role is inconsistent and underdeveloped. She has little dialogue. Mostly she does her "Tomb Raider" thing, shoots big futuristic machine guns and gives a lot of angry stares. She also sports a panoply of tattoos that you can only hope were washable.
The word from insiders is that she took this role as a trade-off so Universal would make Clint Eastwood’s "Changeling," in which she stars.
Oh jeez...what a dumb fucking FOX NEWS review!

First he makes racist complaints about the director (which part of the movie was solely based on his nationality?)
Second, he complains because there's no love story (FOR ONCE!!!!!! THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!).
Third, he complains because McAvoy isn't tall enough to be an action hero. I didn't realize there was a universal requirement.
Fourth, he whines about Jolie's tattoos (how did this affect the integrity of the movie?) and then end it with a level of girly Hollywood gossip I would expect to find on Inside Edition, or some other media rag.
But, then again, it's FOX NEWS. What should I expect, fair and balance facts or reviews? Heh.
The movie may suck-ass. No doubt. But don't bring some surface level
"yu wont likke thes cause it mkes ya THINK" eighth grade review if you expect to be taken seriously...