It's nearly the only book that, in my opinion, Morrie's written since his early "X-men" issues that didn't collapse under the weight of its own ideas into incoherence (and even the X-men fell apart at the end).

In "All Star" a plot was set up in the early issues (Luthor finds a way to use the sun to slowly poison Superman), the middle advances the rest of story (Supes decides to accomplish a number of tasks before he dies and we see how he goes about it) and now it's coming to a conclusion (Superman looks like he's about to die) that more or less seems to be logically connected to what was set up at the beginning.

Granted, it might turn to shit in the final issue but so far, so good.

Also, the "kitchen sink" approach Morrie likes to use seems to work better for a classic style Superman than most other books.