Originally Posted By: the G-man
I never read We3 and, to be honest, forgot it existed. So ya got me there.

You really should. Great story.

Still, even if you add We3 to the mix, I think his recent career still largely consists of stuff that doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense or, in the alternative, starts out really interesting and the descends into "WTF just happened", in no particular order:

JLA: Classified

I thought it was good, and tied neatly into Seven Soldiers.


Seven Soldiers of Victory

Didn't like them all (and still haven't read the last issue), but liked enough of them. The interconnected-but-not-really nature that ran through all of the books was a clever touch.

Marvel Boy

Haven't read it. But, I think it came out before/during X-Men, didn't it?

Fantastic Four: 1234

Same with this one. I think this was before/during X-Men. Don't know, really. But, it was DAMN good. It's not a conventional FF, but you can't say it doesn't make sense. It's actually a very basic Fantastic Four tale.



Haven't read them.

Absolute Final Crisis (so far)

It's only been a single issue! Give him some time before you shit down his throat...


And, as noted above, even his X-men work, which started out really strong, fell apart at the end, what with Magneto/Xorn a drug addict, the weird "Days of Future Past" pastache and the like.

That's your opinion. While I didn't like every aspect of how it ended (and if I remember correctly, Magneto was forced on him by the editors), it was still solid work. Hell of a lot better than the decade of X-Men before it, and the X-shit they've churned out since...