Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns

"I refuse to see Batman Begins because I'm 99.999% sure I'll hate. After reading the script , I already know for sure that Nolan and Goyer changed the origin and hurt the representation of the character. Nolan purposefully wanted him to develop as Bruce Wayne in a batsuit rather than Batman. Instead of developing his own morality, he had Bruce Wayne take various ones from others to define his character and round down Batman into a "symbol."

This movie's probably not gonna fix the errors of the first. And Joker's being presented in the same vein as well. More a symbol than a real personality--Presented more by his scars than his desire to laugh. There's no way I'm giving Nolan and Goyer's "realism" fest a reprieve."

you forgot to log in as your Pariah id.
I seriously don't get the people who bitch about these movies from reading the scripts or hearing about the plots. It's one thing to complain beforehand, but the movie is out and damn near every critic and hardcore Batman fan agreed that Batman Begins was the best live action adaptation of the character ever done.
Of course Batman is a symbol, that's why he wears the fucking costume with a symbol on the chest instead of running around as a ninja. The whole point in the first film is that a man can be corrupted or killed, but a symbol can't. The idea in the sequel is that Batman raised the stakes, and now normal criminals aren't enough and the costumed crazies are born. It's the classic argument about the cause and effect of superheroes and their villains. It treats the genre as an intellectual action film instead of just a CGI wankfest that most superhero films can be.

Bow ties are coool.