Originally Posted By: thedoctor

That's just one of those things that would kind of stick out in a movie. For Superman, it's okay; but for Batman people might expect him to be more cautious when going up against guys with guns and acid.

James Bond, Indiana Jones, Rambo, John McClane and most other "action" movie heroes do that all the time without wearing bulky body armor. I don't believe audiences would less willing to accept it in a movie based on a comic book, given its one of the conventions of the character.

Also, even if you're going to have the character wear body armor, because it's a movie with sci-fi/fantasy elements there's no reason the character can't wear a suit that looks more like traditional costume and just call it "high tech" body armor. If audiences accept the Batmobile and all the other gadgets they would certainly accept a more lightweight costume design.

However, like I said, it doesn't bother me so much that it ruins my enjoyment of the films. I just wish they'd go another way with the costume design and stop rehashing a decision that was made twenty years ago to hide the fact that Michael Keaton was out of shape.