I just saw it a few hours ago and it was amazing. Not much to add with what everyone else said but just a damn good crime drama and action thriller. Ledger deserves what ever awards he gets. And quite honestly I really loved the Dent character.

One of my favorite Joker parts was when he was in the interrogation room with the cop trying to push the cops buttons asking him how many of his friends he killed....... when the cop said 6 friends were dead cause of him Joker playfully acts surprised and proudly mouthed the word 6. funny yet disturbing stuff.

Quick question at the end with Bats gordon and two-face....when bats saves gordon's son and and throws two face and himself off the building and then gordon helps two face back up while bats held him...... how did two-face fall down? Did he try to save bats when he saw him slipping? it happened so fast I missed it.

another funny joker moment was when he was on top of the pile of money and shouts "where is the Italian!" I almost pissed myself for some reason I found that very funny.

One review I read in a Jersey paper called the bank robbery the best bank heist since Heat.....they were right.