Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: Mochahontas
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
we all make mistakes. if I have to cut a check through family services every month so be it (after the prerequisite hearing and paternity testing), but that doesn't obligate me to sink more of my life into a meaningless relationship with an absolute bitch.

and you think I wanted to sink more of my life into a relationship with an hypocrite, pussy boy who acts like he's 12?? Lol. Sweety. The ONLY reason why I continued to talk to you was for the kid and for the dick. Once I snapped out of my stupor and realized sex with no cumming, sex with with a complete moron was really pointless...and that I could just get money from you without screwing up my offspring like someone screwed you up; I decided to let go of that one. I just wanted everyone to know what a pussy you really are :-)....since you wanted me to keep this a secret from everyone. Silly, silly rabbit.

...Everyone already knows I'm a bitch

Maybe I should tell them how any time your dick would slip out you'd start apologizing like a little bitch.

Well. That was harsh.

Well Bastie...I'm a bitch. Lol. And I gotta get these hormonal rages out of my system :-).

I don't know about you, Miss Kitty...but I'm feeling MUCH .....yummier.......