finally saw it.
just amazing. Joker was scary, really scary, because everything he did was possible. He was like an amped up Zodiac killer spreading terror with a few words. The different origins added to the creepiness by stripping away a solid normal past. Also the scars and make up were great, because it was all too possible. He turned citizens into killers through fear.
Harvey Dent was very likable, he was honest and good, Gotham's hero. I liked the idea that Batman isn't supposed to be a hero, he's supposed to do his job even if he is despised. I liked the grief-inspired insanity, you can't totally call him a villain.
Bale was great again. He really has the dichotomy of his character nailed. I loved the daft Bruce who ran the stop light and saved the lawyer act. I loved the way he has evolved as Batman using a crime lab and becoming a detective.
The action was great, it felt real, you could feel the lack of cgi.
The plot was clever, the crimes were clever, it fucking rocked on every level possible.

Bow ties are coool.