Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Batman will get X amount of viewers anyways, if you make a good mivie that will drive the crowd. I think if Ledger had played any character and died he woulda had the same impact, Joker or not. Begins was a huge movie without a marquee villain.

True. But I gotta believe some folks went out of the curiousity factor and the fact that they know who the Joker is in relation to the Batman mythos. If Ledger had played the Cluemaster, let's say...would those casual folks have come out even if all other circumstances were the same?

I gotta believe as characters Batman is the main draw, I mean if you are a Batman fan, you are a Joker fan mostly. If Ledger had played the Cluemaster, and it was written as well and he performed it as well and this was all buzzed post mortem then yes I think it would. The comic crowd is a small fraction of the movie going public, the buzz was for Ledger being dead and giving a great performance, not that the fact he was playing the Joker.