Wow! There be gold in them thar hills! And I don't even remember buying a UK National Lottery ticket. I must have been drinking.


The U.K. National Lottery,
12 Bridge Street,
Staines Middlesex TW18 4TP,
United Kingdom.

Customer Service/Claims Department

Ref: LSUK/2031/8161/05
Batch: R3/A312-59


We happily announce to you the recent draw of the UK NATIONAL
LOTTERY,online Sweepstakes International Program held on July 5 2008.

Your e-mailaddress attached to ticket number: 56475600545 188 with Serial
number 5368/02 drew the lucky numbers: 01-14-21-3-35-48 and a bonus number
of 24.

You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of £590,983.00(Five
Hundred and Ninety Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty Three Great British
Pounds) in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03.

To file for your claim, please contact your fiduciary agent via email

Mr. Sean Barry
Claims Department
The UKNL Foundation

You are required to provide the following
information for verification purposes:

Full Name:
Full Contact Address:
Tel (Home/Office/Mobile):
Country of residence:

Congratulations once more and from all members and staff of this program.

Yours Truly,

Mr Mark Dulle,
Online Lottery Co-ordinator.

JPJ to Danbey Donavan

"That never gets old."