Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I'm sure all the lemmings of this board like Joe, Pro, and BSAMS will jump in on this post

Lemmings? That's nazi-talk...

but I'm here to let you know that you don't fool anybody with an IQ above retarded.

So, you were completely fooled then?

When you first started objecting to the "war" you said that these guys aren't all that bad. You said you could "see past the propaganda on both sides". Well, here you are a few months later doing nothing but parroting the self serving propaganda of Rob's board.

Yeah Iggy! How dare you parrot our propaganda! We have newsletters for that!

It was never about me getting heckled over a comic as these shitheads would like to believe.

Yes it was.

Whomod was getting jumped over nothing and I know what that's like. To make matters worse rex started in with the "Whomod's Daughter shit". I realize you've been far too brainwashed to listen to reason but if this was about me I would have come back sooner.

Rex!! You made an alt called "Whomod's Daughter shit"? What a Commie!

Everything you've said since selling out has been to vindicate yourself or to suck up to these idiots. And in your mad dash to make your idiocy make sense you've become truly deluded.

So Iggy, to sum up: You're desiring vindication (for what?), OR you're sucking up to us [idiots]. You had a "mad dash" to "make your idiocy make sense", but it caused you to become "deluded". So, you're deluded about vindicating your sucking up to us.

I think...

You said you needed to turn on the Insurgency in order to move on with your life? All you needed to do was not post or ignore what was going. How fucking hard is that?

Yeah Iggy! How dare you not let your "friends" drive your car into a tree...repeatedly! All you did was choose and pay for it! You have no right to not let them do what they want with it!

You said you weren't going to shut down the Insurgency but just archinve. Yet more of your bullshit. You shut it down rationalizing that "Tommy is around therefore there's no point having this place" which is both flattering and disturbing at the same time but it's bullshit.

You mean, besides when you had your buddy destroy all your threads and posts?

When I mentioned Invision putting pressue on you totally dodged. Once again you show that you have absolutely no balls.

This makes no sense. Maybe Iggy will be able to translate for us...

Another intresting example of your deluded fellating

Remember kids: Only fellate when coherent...

of the nitwits on this board is your statement "I'm pretty sure the tally had more points to them". What did these guys do that was so clever Iggy?

You mean, besides think, act rationally, have a good time, and laugh at everything you try to do?

Sammitch and BSAMS posting the same images/motie's over and over? Joe saying "I win" over and over or having to copy me or flat our lie? Pro, Harley, Dave jumping on the bandwagon and making excuses for everyone? Rob getting so pissy about big sigs he had to fuck with my account like a bitch? That's all they did. Make no mistake, we won the intellectual argument and these assholes whould have done nothing without you and Bizzaro-Bitch. But I don't really think of it as losing a battle so much as losing dead weight like you.

Halo, we made you destroy your own board. Meanwhile, we're still exactly the same...

You think it's funny that we talk about your alcholism? Guess what asshole? We have to talk about it cause you destroying your brain cells by drinking is the only thing that explains how you are so dumber/different than you used to me.

Obviously! You cannot POSSIBLY have the right to change your mind, or see the truth! It MUST be a debilitating sickness like alcoholism. THAT explains it all. Whew! For a second Tom, I though you might have to consider you were wrong. Thank god we side-stepped THAT reality-mine, huh?

This board is filled with arrogant, pathological, obnoxious, stuck up, apathetic, egocentric, immature, pieces of shit

Arrogant and stuck-up mean the same thing. Just saying.

And I love how you generalize the E-N-T-I-R-E board with your opinion. But, that's okay. Since you used to post with Iggy, and we're generalizing boards and their posters, it must be your alcoholism talking, Thomas. Poor thing.

who you suck up to not because you think they are cool...because you understand them. Cause you are every bit as dumb and you bought there bullshit. Maybe if I pretend nothing is wrong and post smiley's you'll be less likely to completely repress the memory of this post? Okay.

How dare you not know your own motivation, Iggy! Who do you think you are...yourself?!

You lose, Tom. Tell Andy I said "Hello!"