Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won?
Is he off the wagon again already?
Don't have the time right now, but I'll deconstruct this fully later on.
My top 3 items/lies:
"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."
Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy.
"One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod.
"Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."
Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired.
But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give.
For fuck's sake, at least have the decency to give Zzap! credit for his post
I know it's his because he's the only one who will "deconstruct it later". That and isn't riddled with your usual ADDyslexia swearing.