Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won?

How can you win when:

1) You failed to elicit the desired apology from Rex?

2) You failed to run a single person off this message board that wasn't a former Insurgent?

3) Your message board - the Insurgency Forum - because a suburb of the RKMBs, instead of vice versa, as Zzap claimed would happen?

4) You - Sikkbones - were supposedly never part of the botched "raid" in the first place? You can't have it both ways, m'friend...

Is this another "we won the [moral/intellectual] argument" claim? Because you former Insurgents lost the "moral argument" before it was revealed what the "moral argument" even was back when two of your members hid behind alts and referred to my mother as a "cunt." And the "intellectual argument" never really materialized, now did it? But we'll ignore facts so the losing side can feel better about themselves. Lord knows I don't need a mass suicide on my conscience. I'd feel bad about how hard I laughed every time "former Insurgent mass suicide" was mentioned.

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
My top 3 items/lies:

"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."

Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy.

More of an argument of semantics. You former Insurgents bitch and whine about Iggy "selling out." We - the victors - refer to it as a "Hoganesque heel-turn" and laugh at you all as you

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
"One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."

Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod.

Maybe not for YOU, if you can finally decide whether or not you were part of the botched "raid" in the first place, but don't doubt for a second that it was in the forefront of Tommy's mind. By the way, assuming you WERE part of the botched "raid," doesn't it piss you off at least a little that you all supposedly rushed to whomod's defense only to have him barely get involved? Doesn't it tweak you a bit that he was more interested in posting in the Politics Forum, per usual, than in joining with his Insurgent brothers in a "raid" that was started for his very benefit? How do you all make your peace with the fact that you backed a losing horse that couldn't even be arsed to run the fucking race?

Assuming that you were even part of the botched "raid." Let me know what you decide...

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
"Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."

Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired.

See previous comment about whomod and his participation, or lack thereof, in the botched "raid" that you all (well, maybe not YOU, Sikkbones...unless you can make up your mind) initiated. As for your venom towards Iggy, don't you think the line between your internet life and real life is blurring a bit? You guys are taking your loss way too much to heart. Of course, the inconsistency between your apathy at losing in your botched "raid" versus the obvious anger towards Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn is is pretty much on par with the inconsistency of your flip-flopping position towards your role in the botched "raid." Which is to say that you're consistent in your inconsistency.

Tommy, on the other hand, is just a sad, mentally disturbed failure wrapped up in a cloak of rage and self-loathing.

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give.

There are a few people here who wonder if that's necessarily a bad thing. Which adds just the right taste on insult to former Insurgent injury: you supposedly "intellectually superior" former Insurgents were handily defeated by a bunch of fucking drunks. Be proud.

joe make up your mind whether or not we're freinds... and i merely cut and pasted this from another former insurgent to fuck with iggy.

Fucking Christ, you think one of Ffag's posts really fucks with me. In all honesty, I tested and you guys failed again. I all but dared you to post that over at the Likes It In The Ass Forums and you did. And, of course, the result was exactly as intended. Gob help me, I really do have you bitches by the bit.